Horizontal Continuous Vacuum Pan

Continuous Pan Horizontal Tube 30T Heat Exchanger

Internal View of Continuous Pan Horizontal Tube 30T Heat Exchanger

Continuous Pan Horizontal Tube 30T Heat Exchanger

  • Produces effective massecuite circulation.
  • Provide uniform conditions for crystal growth at any section along the pan.
  • Generate narrow crystal size distribution.
  • Minimize the number of control instruments.
  • Provide easy access to Calandria for maintenance.
  • Simplify valving and feed pipe work.
  • Augment production capacity by the addition of an extra module.

Design Features

  • Horizontal pan layout comprising well-mixed cells.
  • Carefully designed massecuite flow path to avoid flow restrictions.
  • Small number of cells of optimal individual cell volumes.
  • Separate modules with Calandria in each module.
  • Low massecuite boiling head.
  • Optional mechanically stirred modules.

Horizontal Continuous Vacuum Pan supplied to the following clients :

Client Name : M/s Padamashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana ltd., Pravaranagar (Maharashtra)

Equipments : Continuous Pan 30 T/Hr. - 1 no.

Year : 2008-09

Status :Under Development Process

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